I was nominated for the 2021 Readers Choice Awards and I need Votes!!!

Hi!! Just recently (a few days ago) my book BLUE SHADOWS FALL, was nominated for The 2021 Readers Choice Awards!!! This is HUGE! And seeing that my book hasn’t even come out yet (Nov 9th) I need votes! Basically my book was chosen from an expert panel and nominated—now I need votes to win. So I am asking my Facebook friends to take a few minutes and give me a vote, please!!!
1. Go to the voting page on website--click here. *no longer available
2. Scroll over to page 12, “YA and Middle Grade”
3. Scroll to the very bottom and click on “Blue Shadows Fall”
I would love to get that gold sticker badge on my book!!! Plessse share with your friends and thank you!!!